General FAQ
General frequently asked questions about Storenvy.
- How can I contact Storenvy customer support?
- What is Storenvy?
- What payment methods can I use to checkout?
- How do I know this store isn't a scam?
- Why do I have multiple shipping fees?
- Why am I getting an error when I try to checkout?
- What if the shop never sends me my order?
- Can I exchange or get a refund if my order isn’t right?
- How long will my order take to arrive?
- How do I change my account information?
- How can I get news and updates from Storenvy?
- What do I do if I forgot my login details?
- What am I agreeing to when I use this site?
- What does ‘following’ a person or ‘watching’ a store mean?
- How do I stop following someone?
- What does it mean when I ‘Envy’ a product?
- Is there a difference between my cart in a storefront and my cart in the marketplace?
- How do I report a user, product or store?
- Which web browsers can I use with Storenvy?
- What is shown in my Storenvy feed?
- What currencies can I pay in?
- Is my information private?
- How do I create a Storenvy account?
- Why should I make an account with Storenvy?
- Is there a Storenvy mobile app?
- How do I clear my Web Browser Cache?
- How can I contact a store?
- How do I use a Coupon Code on my order?
- Why can't I add more items to my cart?
- Can I call Storenvy support on the phone?