When you pay for an item in the Storenvy Marketplace, you will be able to pay with your debit, credit card, or PayPal account upon checking out. Please note, each store chooses the payment method that will be available in their store.
Some stores will not have PayPal accessible in their store to check out with, and you can only use a debit or credit card to pay. Some stores will only have PayPal available to check out with. If you do not have a PayPal account no worries - you can still pay with a debit or credit card using PayPal.
When you are ready to checkout, go to your cart and make sure to select which payment method you would like to use before you proceed.
Some stores will not have PayPal accessible in their store to check out with, and you can only use a debit or credit card to pay. Some stores will only have PayPal available to check out with. If you do not have a PayPal account no worries - you can still pay with a debit or credit card using PayPal.
When you are ready to checkout, go to your cart and make sure to select which payment method you would like to use before you proceed.
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