For shoppers:
When will I get my item? Delivery and handling speed varies by product and Store Owner. Customers should reference the Shipping and Returns tab on all product pages. See specifically: "How long will it take to receive my order?"
Many orders also may have a handling fee. Please see the policy for handling fees:
How much does it cost to ship my item? Shipping cost varies by product and Store Owner. Customers must add an item to the cart and then shipping prices will be present based on location.
For stores:
Order fulfillment is the Store Owner's sole and full responsibility. All products purchased through a Storenvy online store must be fulfilled by the Store Owner in a timely manner, and in all events within a maximum of 7 business days following completion of an order, unless otherwise agreed by the Store Owner and its buyer. Failure to fulfill orders may cause Your store to be suspended by Storenvy.
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