From your Dashboard you can view sales stats for your store per month for the last three months, or total stats for the whole time your store has been open.- Net sales is the total money brought in for the items you have sold.
- Total Shipping is the amount of money you took in shipping charges.
- Total tax is the amount you charged in tax based on the tax settings you inputted. (Note that in some cases Storenvy will collect and remit sales tax for you. Please see this help article for more information.)
- Total Discounts is the total amount of money customers saved by using a discount coupon.
Storefront Visitors
This shows you how many people looked at your store (by day or by week), and by Marketplace or by your Storefront. The red lines show the total number of page views your store had, and the blue lines show how many of those views were from different people.If your Unique Visitors and Page Views are very similar, it means a lot of different people are looking at your store. If your Page Views is much higher than your Unique Visitors, it means people who come to your store come there often or spend some time looking around.
Recent Orders
This one always shows your five most recent ordersCustomer Ratings
This shows the average of the ratings that you have received from customers. You can click the "All Ratings" link to view the details.
Buyer Experience Metrics
This shows statistics related to your buyers' experience with your store, such as shipping and cancellation stats, and product scores.
This shows the five most recent people who watched your store. You can view the entire list by clicking the "See all watchers" link.
Most Viewed Products
This shows your top five most viewed products in the last 30 days and their total views during that time.Envies
This shows the five most recent people who have Envied one of your products, along with which product they Envied.
Most Envied Products
This shows your five products which received the most Envies within the last 30 days.
This shows five of the user-created Collections which feature one of your products. It shows the user who added the product to the collection, which product was added, and which Collection it was added to.
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