Right now Featured Brands get an updated Marketplace store page, which includes extra information and images to tell more of each brand's story. They are also listed on their own page in the marketplace and they are our first port of call when we're looking for great products to share with the world, through featured collections and in our email newsletters.
Since these are all stores we have chosen to represent Storenvy we are quite picky about who we choose. Here's a guideline list of things we look for when deciding if a store deserves to be a Featured Brand:
- Store Name. It needs to sound like you put some thought into coming across as a brand. A description of what you sell (think 'Handbags Boutique') isn't very unique and won't do you any favors if you want to get found in search.
- Logo. Your logo needs to represent your brand in a unique way. There aren't exactly hard and fast rules for what makes a good logo, but it should be instantly recognizable as your logo. An image of one of your products or a lifestyle photo might cut it, but typically only if there is also some text with your store name or initials on there. A simpler, symbol or text type graphic, will probably be more effective.
- Photo Quality. We describe this quite thoroughly here so check out that article as well. In addition to the photos being of good quality, we look for images which are consistent with the brand. For example, all are taken on the same background, or the inclusion of lifestyle shots.
- Product Descriptions. The photos and the description are the only thing a customer has to go on when deciding whether to make a purchase from you. You need to make sure you include all the relevant details and answer every question the customer could possibly have about the item. For a five star description you also need to include some kind of story - a description of how the product would be used, how it's made, or some other details that make it more interesting than just a list of facts.
- About. We look for brands who have a story behind them. It doesn't need to be an epic story, just a description of how you got started, how your products are made or sourced, or why you're running this business will work beautifully.
- Customer Service. If we're choosing stores to represent Storenvy, we need to know that you care about your customers and are making sure they have the best possible experience. Your FAQs need to be filled out and you need to link to any social profiles you have. We also want stores who are going to take care of their customers, such as stores who take responsibility for packages lost in the mail, stores who accept exchanges, and stores who are willing to go the extra mile.
- Product Selection. One key difference that sets a brand apart from a store is the products they carry. If you sell a random assortment of products there is no real cohesion. As a brand you need your customers to know you for something. For example, if you sell knit hats your customers will look to your store when they need a new hat. If they also see electrical appliances they'll probably be confused. That's an extreme example but a more nuanced product selection is really important when presenting your brand to potential customers.
- Additional Images and Background Story. As mentioned above, Featured Brands have extra information on their store pages so we need stores to be able to provide us with additional background information and good quality images which aren't all of products. Examples include: workspace shots, lifestyle images, work-in-progress pictures, and at least one photo of you, the store owner (and your team if you have one).
If you feel like this is you, we want to hear from you! Please reach out to featuredbrands@storenvy.com to start the conversation.
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